Between two homes.


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between two homes life

Student life is fun and exciting, but it also brings its complications. The previous fortnight has made me realise some of the hurdles of studying and living on your own. In particular travelling between your home and visiting your parents every once in a while. Sometimes juggling between two quite contrasting lives can be challenging. One life that contains studying, doing a board year, partying and sports. While the other is mainly wrapped around family and work. Quite different lives that prove to be challenging to juggle sometimes.

But let’s start at the beginning when I started studying here back when Corona was still heavily in play. The university I chose to study at is relatively close to my parent’s house. That is why, when I started studying, I chose to stay at home for a little longer. Not only because of Corona, but maybe also a bit because I did not feel ready to live on my own yet. The sudden change of studying at the university and new people was enough sudden change in my life for that moment in my life. So I decided to postpone changing homes for a while.

But after some time there comes that period where you have built up a new life here. You make friends and your life slowly but surely shifts towards the city. And then there is that moment when travelling home every day becomes more of a hassle and a hurdle, than anything else. Most parties last longer than the last train home, which results in being forced to leave early or not joining at all. While a large part of your friends does live here and remain at the party. That results in a feeling of FOMO or sometimes even feeling lonely. And that is something you want to avoid at all costs. That is why, approximately one year ago I moved to Enschede. After searching for a home with a nice room and housemates I felt comfortable with I moved in March of the previous year.

To get back to now, a year later. Another problem has arisen. The struggle of juggling between the two worlds. Now that I don’t go to my parents every evening, I try to visit them every weekend. Moreover, I also work every Sunday morning in the hospital close to my parents, so visiting my parents becomes multipurpose. My main struggle that I am having is balancing both worlds at the same time. Sometimes the board year that I am doing forces me to stay in Enschede for the weekend, and I have to skip visiting my parents and work in order to do so. And that is fine, right? I mean sometimes you have to sacrifice some things for others.

But then there are also the times that I would like to join a party during the weekend. Parties on Friday do not quite matter as much as I can go to my parents on Saturday in that case. But the activities on Saturday night are difficult to attend. I am limited in my freedom as I have to work on Sunday morning, and skipping work every Sunday is of course also not a possibility. Juggling the worlds can be hard sometimes. My life is mainly based in Enschede. But there is of course also family. Making sure to maintain enough social contact with my parents, but also enjoying my time in Enschede.

Your student life is quite a busy time. Studying, sports, friends, and also attending some social activities once in a while 🙂 Finding the balance in life between those things, but also not forgetting about family, work and important dates of relatives is tricky. Identifying what is important to you. I think your student time is the perfect time to figure that out. What is important to you? What are some of your priorities? And what things are less important? This can be quite personal for everyone, but the main takeaway is that one should try to construct a view of what is important, and what is not. How to best juggle the two worlds of student life and family life.

This takeaway is also meant for me. I am also identifying the important things in life. And isn’t your student time in general about identifying who you are, what you want to achieve in life and what is most important? Self-development and self-care. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses.